Contact Lenses For Cheating Playing Cards

Contact lenses for cheating poker cards are a type of cheating device. These contact lenses are designed to help you see the marks on the backs of the marked cards.

They can be very helpful to poker players and help them win. They can also help you win other games such as Texas Hold’em, blackjack, and Texas Hold’em.

The Italian gang used special contact lenses to read invisible ink marks on the cards’ backs to cheat their way to winning cash at European casinos. The group was taken into police custody in France for fraud. If convicted, they could face a maximum of 10years imprisonment.

Stefano Ampollini was one of the gang members. He was found to be using infrared contacts lenses while gambling at a casino in Cannes, France. He was convicted and jailed for two years by a French court.

Bruce Koloshi (a New Jersey resident) was also charged with using the infrared lenses to win money in US casinos. He was also convicted of the same offense and sentenced to two-year imprisonment.

They are an extremely useful tool for poker players and can make the game more interesting. They are very comfortable and don’t change the color of your eyes.

You can choose the correct contact lenses for your eyes based on your eye color and preferences. They are generally available in brown, blue, or green.

These contact lenses are made out of HEMA, which is a very soft material that is gentle on your eyes and won’t damage them. They are also very comfortable to wear.

Contact lenses are mostly used to cheat poker cards. They can be adapted for any type of marked cards with luminous technology.

It is important that they are properly cleaned and rinsed before and after each use. They should not be used if they are covered in dirt or other sediment.

It is recommended that you use a disinfectant such as bleach, alcohol, or any other chemical product to clean the contacts. It is also recommended to wipe the contacts clean with a dry towel before and after use.

This process will also remove any foreign substances, such as tweezers or sticks that may be used to mark the playing cards. This will protect your contacts against bacteria that can contaminate and cause eye irritation, or even infection.

You can find more information about these contact lense on our website. This will ensure you get the best product that will suit your needs and your budget.

There are many types and effectiveness levels of contact lenses for poker cheating. The most common contact lenses for cheating poker are the infrared and Xray lenses.

Only poker decks with Xrayink can be used with Xray-ray contact lens. They are not suitable for other poker cheating devices, such as invisible ink or luminous sunglasses.